Working with fatigue as a software engineer

Working with fatigue as a software engineer

We live in a time when diagnosed with stress by the doctor is a badge of honor, the concept of working till you drop has become a mark of efficiency as such people have begun to work much longer and much harder than they should.

Would you let an exhausted doctor attend to you? A lot of people will instinctively say no however the truth of the matter is we don't care enough to ask if our doctors are okay.

What is equally dangerous is when a software engineer is working while fatigued either of his/her volition or in order to meet a deadline, it's a recipe for disaster. Software engineers lose track of time while coding and tend to work under exhaustion which is why we need to be monitored periodically, a bug in the code being produced affects every stakeholder.

One of the ways in which I monitor how much time I spend coding by using extensions like code time, I was able to learn how much time I spend tapping the keyboard and why I felt so drained afterwards, I'm sure there should be other extensions that can do the same thing, another thing you can do is get an accountability partner who you listen to so as to ensure you don't overwork yourself. As sexy as working 15 hours a day looks it's proven that you're compromising your productivity in the long-term.