Why software engineers struggle with some tech

Why software engineers struggle with some tech

A lot of people react with shock when they find software engineers struggling to operate or work with tech, there's a belief that software engineers should be able to work with any gadget, electronic device or even social media by default. It's a hilarious assumption but it's understandable.

Software engineers are believed to know it all, the reality is that software engineers are normal people who just happen to be good at talking to machines and getting machines to respond, while it may seem like the skill should render software engineers omniscient you still have to understand that software engineers have niché where they reign supreme, outside of those spaces we're as knowledgeable as the average person (with an added ability of knowing why tech works).

It's OK to not have a solid grasp on all things tech, we don't expect a vetinary doctor to operate on humans, in the same vein, you have to manage the expectations of people effectively.