What Is Stored Procedure And Why Is It Important?

What Is Stored Procedure And Why Is It Important?

One of the major responsibilities of software engineers (after writing code that works) is writing code that is performant, humans have grown increasingly impatient with the rise of technology. Anything that takes 3 seconds to work is deemed slow and this places a lot of pressure on developers to optimize the speed of their software solution.


A lot of times, developers get hooked on optimizing the wrong things. For example, if a particular block of code takes 50 milliseconds to execute, some developers will optimize the speed till that process takes 5 milliseconds. It sounds like progress but the gains are marginal because the average human can't tell the difference between 50 milliseconds and 5 milliseconds.


The most important place to optimize the speed of a software solution is in the access to the database, Clients fetch a lot of information from the database without knowing it. Your news feed here on Hasnode is fetched from a database, so is your profile, your messages, and the search feature (when you try to look for something or someone). It can happen quickly or slowly depending on the size of the request.

big-data-2103091_1280.png STORED PROCEDURE AND ITS UTILITY

Stored procedures are a way of using the processing power of the application's server rather than involving burdening your device with the problem of running complex requests. Stored procedures are implemented on the database by predicting some requests and writing the complex logic that will respond to that request (when it is made) such that the database is on standby, ready to provide the response at a moment's notice. This is why some applications are so much faster than others.