Today a lot of boxes will be unboxed in the spirit of boxing day, do you however know that this practice is embedded in languages like C#? C# (pronounced as "c sharp") is a really fast, dependable programming language that is used to create a lot of applications and systems we use today.
In C#, boxing is when you convert a value type (basically numeric values) to reference type (basically words) while unboxing is when you do the reverse. Getting to the details as to why it is done or how it is done would bore most people and it should, because you don't need to know.
You should however know that this process stresses the processor of any device it is used on, this is why boxing and unboxing is largely avoided except it must be used as it reduces the speed of the process being carried out which ultimately affects performance.
As a software engineer, its a time of thumb to reduce the rate at which you box and unbox to the barest minimum so your programme doesn't begin to lag. This will require a lot of careful planning on your part in order to dance around the elephant in the room. This is why thinking is going to be your hardest job.