The reason why the tech market has so much clout skewed in one direction with few companies seizing the market is that in terms of utility, some software products deliver so much value that they make the alternative look redundant or damn near insignificant (even when the difference in features might not be so much).
The tech market is very polar just as the skill level of software engineers are polar, your product is either perceived as the best or not very good, engineers are perceived as one of the best or amateurs, challenges in software development (depending on who is handling them) are either very easy or very difficult, there's hardly any middle ground in the industry. It's why you either go hard and delivery topnotch solutions or you go home.
There is no room for average in the tech space, it is a matter of life and death that one doesn't get complacent, you have to keep pushing the limits of what you can, solutions you can deliver. If you don't, someone else will and resources will flow in their direction instead of yours.