A lot of people find it hard to wrap their minds around how one software engineering challenge can be solved in diverse ways. Imagine an essay competition with a stated title, now you'll find that the stories of most (if not all) applicants differ, however, they're all united by the core theme which is the stated title that defines the competition, every essay ultimately feeds or revolves around that title. That's how it works with code too.
There are so many methods, properties and styles (each dependent on the software engineer's logical predisposition) that can be used to engage challenges. The downside of this is that when stepping into the industry one can sometimes be overwhelmed with a lot of similar yet distinct things that one has to learn, ultimately, when one comes to grasp multiple concepts it gives room to innovate.
At the end of the day the more respected code solves challenges while having the highest combination of speed, reliability, reusability and maintainability.