An avoidable pitfall for software engineers

An avoidable pitfall for software engineers

A pitfall that some software engineers fall into in their career is the chip on the shoulder mindset. When a software engineer gets it into their heads that they always have to prove how good they are it can quickly complicate simple tasks.

When we see cases of overengineering in products it most likely arises as a result of this need to prove. While it can be fun to push the envelope in order to test one's skill as a software engineer it has to be carefully balanced with delivering what is expected in a way that doesn't overwhelm the project or makes a rather simple programme look complex under the hood.

It can be quite discouraging when you spend time working on a project only for your line manager to tell you to strip it down because it does more than its supposed to do. Depending on your organization, you may need to have a discussion with your superiors as to how much room you have to innovate on projects or whether they prefer strict adherence to the project brief.