Why developers are exciting about the new browser called flow

Why developers are exciting about the new browser called flow

Recently the tech community was buzzing with a strange form of excitement, for the first time in decades a new browser is in the making. Yes, we've had several browsers released in recent time but they weren't fundamentally "new". Why this browser is different from other recently released browsers is that it doesn't borrow code from anyone. A lot of browsers are either borrowing from Google Chrome's code or Apple's webkit code which meant that they were more or less a knockoff these Google and Apple's browser.

Building a browser from scratch is quite expensive and not very profitable which is why people aren't in the business of building new browsers. The problem with this status quo is that it stifles innovation, we won't know if we can get better browsers if we don't try to make different types (from scratch). In the developer world, while we appreciate Google Chrome we also know it has several lapses (that I won't want to bore you with). The new browser (called flow) is promising memory optimization, a feature that current browsers aren't consistent about.

Memory optimization is a very key feature of applications. If we travel back two decades you'd remember that memory was a big deal, 1 gigabite was a lot of memory (it still is, in a way). Because we had yet to make substantial advancements in creating efficient and miniature storage devices, programmers had to ensure that their products weren't memory-consuming, it had to be light yet efficient. These days, because of the huge memory on devices, the emphasis on memory optimization has waned as a result of the fact that devices are more powerful than ever. Because so many programmers are disregarding memory optimization we now have frequent cases of devices "hanging" of lagging. When our phones had less than 100mb in them, they performed a lot faster than some of our smartphones today. The hope is that this new browser will again restore emphasis on memory optimization if it can deliver efficiently while saving memory.