Intellisense; what does it mean?, what does it do?

Intellisense; what does it mean?, what does it do?

One of the most useful tools that developers rely on in their code editors/IDE (which is basically Microsoft Word for software engineers) is intellisense. Intellisense helps developers code, it works like prediction keyboard. Intellisense has become so dependable that developers admit to being worried when they're working on dynamic responsibilities or trying to reference tags, classes, objects or methods and Intellisense isn't predicting it. The rule of thumb is that if Intellisense isn't picking it then you made a mistake somewhere or your code isn't clear enough. Typos are forgivable and of minimal consequences for most people. When writing code, typos are unforgivable, missing as little as a symbol or a letter can bringing down an entire technological infrastructure.

Intellisense makes code a lot faster and easier (if you know what you're doing). It's definitely one of the most important extensions to have as a software engineer. It also reinforces the need to avoid hard-coded data in your code. You'll be amazed how well intellisense works when you follow the SOLID principles in order to ensure your code is loosely coupled.