How organizations can foster networking through upskilling personnel

How organizations can foster networking through upskilling personnel

It is popularly believed that organizations are only as great as their staff, human capital is what utilizes and maximizes the utility of other capitalistic resource and constructs. Sadly, a lot of organizations pay lip service to the above ideology by choosing to prioritize the growth of the top 1% of their staff who have a track record for value delivery and are less likely to leave in search of more lucrative opportunities. While such fears are legitimate there are industries where they're very deleterious in the short-run and long-run.

The tech industry is quite skill intensive, very often organizations with more talent will overshadow the competition as such tech companies are less likely to refuse the learning requests of their engineers due to the rapid development of the industry which can leave one quite stale if one doesn't keep up. Because there's a direct correlation between the skillsets of staff and revenue generated, upskilling staff in the tech sector is more of an investment than an liability.

I do however believe that non-technical industries should also motivate staff to up skill themselves by getting more degrees regardless of whether those degrees are related to the company's plans. We need to understand that networking is more effective when you have consistent contact with people of value, I believe the higher one goes educationally, the more people of value one meets. The more people of value staff associate with, the more "what do you do?" conversations come up which are opportunities for staff to advertise the company.

A lot of people are scared to network or don't know how to, I find that when people have things in common and have to meet consistently as a result of that thing, they're very likely to end up networking with one another. The educational sector fosters this through shared learning and the physical confinement of a classroom that stimulates collaboration. If an engineering firm only has engineering staff that only know other engineers they're leaving a lot of value on the table. The people who patronize engineering firms are most likely not engineers themselves. For professionals, it's very important to network outside your field, that's where your market is.