I've come to believe that regardless of the advancement and reliability of technology we should always have failsafe features built into products. My palm was exfoliating a couple days back, I didn't think much of it till I tried to login on my laptop, it turned out that the laptop (which makes use of a fingerprint security feature) couldn't recognize my fingerprint, my amusement at the situation became worrisome when I realized that all my devices require fingerprint to unlock them and I've mostly forgotten my passwords as I rarely use passwords to access my devices. I was eventually able to remember the password after which I logged in.
My experience drove me to believe that while machines are getting really good at being machines, these tools are going to interact with humans, we have biological factors which can affect the way we interact with our tools from time to time. Having failsafe shouldn't be about whether the machine can underperform, rather, it should recognize the fact that there are times when we humans will not be able to interact with our tools the way we usually do.
I believe as software engineers, our products should be built to protect our customers from security breach while ensuring that the very customers we're trying to protect don't get locked out of their products. I truly hope for a time when more biometrics scanning features will be included into mobile devices.