Educational dilemma of software engineers

Educational dilemma of software engineers

If we go back in time by between 100 to 2,000 years, you'll realize that the farther you go into the past, the more apparent it is that it was easier to deemed as educated. The standards of education has compounded over time. The humans currently alive are the smartest in all of human history when compared to our predecessors.

What I'm getting at is that because education is by itself compounding due to new discoveries, you find that a student today will have to learn more things than a student in the same level a decade ago. In software engineering, it's more mind blowing because almost every 6 months you find that you've become outdated. Any newbie stepping into the industry has to at the very least go back a year or two and start studying the technology of those time and push forward from there.

With new frameworks coming out of the woodwork as different programming languages and their derivatives battle for supremacy the average developer is overwhelmed. Be that as it may the fundamentals will remain the fundamental. The advice to newbies is to start with HTML, CSS, Javascript (just to understand how the web works), then concepts such as OOP (Object Oriented Programming), SOLID principles, MVC architecture, CLEAN architecture, REST, SOAP, Data structures and algorithms. All of the above will help in your journey into tech and they're transferable knowledge that you'll find in most programming languages.